Luchsinger RH, Sydow A, Crettol R. Structural behavior of asymmetric spindle-shaped Tensairity girders under bending loads. Thin-Walled Structures 2011 – Article in press. (PDF)
Wever TE, Plagianakos TS, Luchsinger RH, Marti P. Effect of fabric webs on the static response of spindle-shaped tensairity columns. Journal of Structural Engineering 2010;136(4):410-418. (PDF)
Luchsinger RH, Pedretti A, Pedretti M, Steingruber P. The new structural concept Tensairity: Basic principles. SEMC 2004, The Second International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation. Cape Town, South Africa, 2004. (PDF)
- Galliot, C., and Luchsinger, R.H. (2013) Structural behavior of symmetric spindle-shaped Tensairity girders with reinforced chord coupling. Engineering Structures 56, 407-416.
- Luchsinger, R.H., and Galliot, C. (2013) Structural behavior of symmetric spindle-shaped Tensairity girders. Journal of Structural Engineering 139(2), 169-179.
- Luchsinger, R.H., Sydow, A. and Crettol, R. (2011) Structural behavior of asymmetric spindle-shaped Tensairity girders under bending loads. Thin-walled structures 49(9), 1045-1053.
- Breuer, J.M.C., and Luchsinger, R.H. (2010) Inflatable kites using the concept of Tensairity. Aerospace Science and Technology 14(8), 557-563.
- Wever, T.E., Plagianakos, T.S., Luchsinger, R.H., and Marti, P. (2010) Effect of fabric webs on the static response of spindle-shaped Tensairity columns. Journal of Structural Engineering 136(4), 410-418.
- De Laet, L., Luchsinger, R.H., Crettol, R., Mollaert, M. and De Temmermann, N. (2009) Deployable Tensairity Structures. Journal of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures 50 (2), 121-128.
- Galliot, C., Luchsinger, R.H. (2009) A simple model describing the non-linear biaxial tensile behavior of PVC-coated polyester fabrics for use in finite element analysis. Composite Structures 90 (4), 438-447.
- Plagianakos, T.S., Teutsch, U., Crettol R. and Luchsinger, R.H. (2009) Static response of a spindle-shaped Tensairity column to axial compression. Engineering Structures 31 (8), 1822-1831.
- Luchsinger, R.H. and Crettol, R. (2006) Experimental and numerical study of spindle shaped Tensairity girders. International Journal of Space Structures 21 (3), 119-130.
- Luchsinger, R.H., Pedretti, M. and Reinhard, A. (2004) Pressure induced stability: from pneumatic structures to Tensairitiy. Journal of Bionics Engineering 1, 141-148.
- Maffei, R., Galliot, C., Luchsinger, R.H., Zanelli, A. (2013) Comparative study about the behaviour of inflatable and Tensairity arches. IASS Symposium 2013, Wroclaw, Poland.
- Roekens, J., Mollaert, M., De Laet, L., Luchsinger, R.H. (2013) Experimental investigations of Tensairity arches. Tensinet Symposium 2013, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Luchsinger, R.H., Galliot, C. (2013) From roofs to wings: Lightweight inflatable structures are taking off. Tensinet Symposium 2013, Istanbul, Turkey.
- De Laet, L., Mollaert, M., Roekens, J., Luchsinger, R.H. (2012) Experimental investigation of a full scale deployable Tensairity beam. Proceedings of the IASS-APCS Symposium 2012, Seoul, South-Korea.
- Klis, R., Chatzi, E., Galliot, C., Luchsinger, R.H., Feltrin G. (2012) Dynamic response and modal identification of a Tensairity girder. EMI-PMC 2012, Notre Dame, US.
- Galliot, C., Luchsinger, R.H. (2012) Non-linear tensile and shear biaxial behaviour of coated fabrics used in Tensairity structures: testing and modelling. International Textile Conference, Dresden, D
- Luchsinger, R.H., Galliot, C. (2012) Strong & light: Inflatable structures with Tensairity, Proceedings of SAMPE 2012, Baltimore, US
- Galliot, C., Luchsinger, R.H. (2011) Determination of the response of coated fabrics under biaxial stress: Comparison between different test procedures. Proceedings of Structural Membranes 2011, paper 253.
- De Leat, L., Moellaert, M., Roekens, J., Luchsinger, R.H. (2011) Numerical investigations of the structural behaviour of a deployable Tensairity beam. Proceedings of Structural Membranes 2011, paper 301.
- Roekens, J., Mollaert, M., De Laet, L., Luchsinger, R.H. (2011) Preliminary investigations to Tensairity arches. Proceedings of Structural Membranes 2011, paper 300.
- De Laet, L., Luchsinger, R.H., Mollaert, M., Roekens, J. (2011) Development of a deployable Tensairity beam. Proceedings of the IABSE-IASS Symposium 2011, London, paper 243.
- Luchsinger, R.H., Galliot, C., Gauthier, L. (2011) Effect of fabric webs on the static response of spindle-shaped Tensairity girders. Proceedings of the IABSE-IASS Symposium 2011, London, paper 285.
- Roekens, J., Luchsinger, R.H., Mollaert, M., De Laet, L. (2011) Experimental investigation of a deployable Tensairity arch. Proceedings of the IABSE-IASS Symposium 2011, London, paper 321.
- Crettol, R., Gaultier, L.P., Luchsinger, R.H., Vogler, R. (2010) Tensairity arches. Proceedings of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures IASS Symposium 2010, Shanghai.
- Luchsinger, R.H., Ulmann, C., Crettol, R., Gauthier, L.P. (2010) Straight and curved: Recent developments with Tensairity. Tensinet Symposium 2010, Sofia, Bulgaria.
- Gauthier, L., Wever, T. and Luchsinger, R.H. (2009) Study of the buckling behavior of compression elements in Tensairity, In: Onate, E. & Kröplin, B. (eds.), Textile composites and inflatable structures IV, CIMNE, Stuttgart, Germany
- Breuer, J. and Luchsinger, R.H. (2009) Inflatable kites with Tensairity, In: Onate, E. & Kröplin, B. (eds.), Textile composites and inflatable structures IV, CIMNE, Stuttgart, Germany
- Galliot, C. and Luchsinger, R.H. (2009) Biaxial Tensile Testing and Non-Linear Modelling of PVC-Coated Polyester Fabrics for use in Tensairity Girders, In: Onate, E. & Kröplin, B. (eds.), Textile composites and inflatable structures IV, CIMNE, Stuttgart, Germany.
- Luchsinger, R.H. and Teutsch, U. (2009) An analytical model for Tensairity girders. Proceedings of the 50th Anniversary Symposium of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures IASS 2009, Valencia, Spain.
- Galliot C. and Luchsinger, R.H. (2009) Non-linear properties of coated fabrics used in Tensairity structures, 17th International Conference on Composite Materials ICCM17, Edinburgh.
- Luchsinger, R. H., Crettol, R. and Plagianakos, T. S. (2008) Temporary structures with Tensairity. International Symposium IASS-SLTE 2008, 3rd Latin American Symposium on Tensile-Structures, Acapulco, Mexico.
- De Laet, L., Luchsinger, R. H., Crettol, R., Mollaert, M. and De Temmermann, N. (2008) Deployable Tensairity structures. International Symposium IASS-SLTE 2008, 3rd Latin American Symposium on Tensile-Structures, Acapulco, Mexico.
- Plagianakos, T.S., Luchsinger, R.H. and Crettol, R., (2008). Static response of a spindle shaped Tensairity column under compression: A Numerical – Experimental Study. 8th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM8); 5th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2008), Venice.
- Luchsinger, R.H., Crettol, R., Farahni J. and Plagianakos, T. (2007) Tensairity: The new structure for a new architecture. Conference Proceedings IASS 07, Venice.
- Plagianakos, T. and Luchsinger, R. (2007) Static response of a spindle shaped Tensairity column under compression. Conference Proceedings IASS 07, Venice.
- Luchsinger, R.H., Crettol, R. and Plagianakos, T. (2007): The new lightweight structure Tensairity. Proceedings of the Structural Engineers World Congress 2007, Bangalore, India.
- Luchsinger, R.H., Crettol, R, Farahani, J and Plagianakos, T. (2007) Tension, Air and Integrity. 102-105. In: Onate E. and Kröplin B. (Eds.) Textile composites and inflatable structures III. CIMNE, Barcelona.
- Plagianakos, T.S., Luchsinger, R.H. and Crettol, R. (2007) Deformation of spindle shaped Tensairity columns under compression. COMP-07: 6th International Symposium on Advanced Composite Technologies, Corfu, GR. Paper No. 83.
- Breuer, J., Ockels, W. and Luchsinger, R.H. (2007) An inflatable wing using the principle of Tensairity. Proceedings of the 48th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC structures, structural dynamics and materials conference, Hawaii.
- Luchsinger, R.H. and Crettol, R. (2007) Synergetic Structures and Tensairity, 207-216. In: Bögner-Balz, H. and Zanelli, A. (Eds.) Ephemeral architecture – Time and Textiles, Tensinet Symposium 2007, Libreria Clup, Milano.
- Luchsinger, R.H. and Crettol, R. (2006) The role of fabrics in Tensairity. Proceedings of the IASS-APCS Symposium 2006, 154-155, Beijing.
- Luchsinger, R.H., & Crettol, R. (2006) Adaptable Tensairity. In: Scheublin, F., Pronk, A., Borgard, A., & Houtman, R. (Eds.), Proceedings of the joint CIB, Tensinet, IASS International Conference on Adaptability in Design and Construction, Vol. 2, 3-7, Eindhoven.
- Luchsinger, R.H., Crettol, R., Steingruber, P., Pedretti, A. and Pedretti, M. (2005) Going strong: from inflatable structures to Tensairity. In: Onate, E. & Kröplin, B. (eds.), Textile composites and inflatable structures II, 414-420, CIMNE, Barcelona.
- Luchsinger, R.H., Steingruber, P., Pedretti, A., Pedretti, M. & Crettol, R. (2005) Computation of Tensairity Structures. In: Ramm, E., Wall, W.A., Bletzinger, K.-U. & Bischoff, M. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computation of Shell and Spatial Structures, Salzburg.
- Luchsinger, R.H., Pedretti, A., Steingruber, P. & Pedretti, M. (2004) Light weigth structures with Tensairity. In Motro, R. (Ed.), Shell and Spacial Structures from Models to Realizations, Editions de l’Espérou, Montpellier.
- Luchsinger, R.H., Pedretti, A., Pedretti, M. and Steingruber, P. (2004) The new structural concept Tensairity: Basic principles. In: Zingoni, A. (Ed.), Progress in Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation, A.A. Balkema Publisher, London.
- Pedretti, A., Steingruber, P., Pedretti, M. and Luchsinger, R.H. (2004) The new structural concept Tensairity: FE-modeling and applications. In: Zingoni, A. (Ed.), Progress in Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation, A.A. Balkema Publisher, London.
- Luchsinger, R.H. (2013) The new light-weight structure Tensairity. In: Motro, R. (ed). Flexible composite materials in Architecture, Construction and Interiors, 100-111, Birkhäuser, Basel.
- Luchsinger, R.H. & Bräker, M. (2010) A novel pneumatic actuator with Tensairity. In: Brebbia, C.A. (ed.), Design & Nature V, 365-374, WIT Press, Southampton.